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Magento 2 Gift Card Extension

Magento Gift Card module helps you easily build a powerful gift cards/certificates system for your Magento store. Let your customers buy gift vouchers with or without discount, send them to their friends via email/post office or simply redeem the gift cards whenever they want it. Now it’s easy to proactively run a Magento Gift Card campaign to boost sales.

Integrated with PWA POS

Backend Demo

user: giftcard password: giftcard123

Frontend Demo

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Compatible with 2.3.x 2.4.x 



  • Path: Marketing > Gift Card section > Settings

To configure default configurations and settings of the module, please log in to backend screen, then do the following stages:

a. Step 1In General tab

Gift card configure

(1) Enable Gift Card: Select Yes in the dropdown list to enable Gift Card

• Gift Code (2) Gift Code Pattern: Configure the pattern to auto-generate gift codes for Gift Card products when customers purchase in Web POS frontend

(3) The number of prefixes shown: Enter the number of prefix characters which are shown in a voucher code

(4) Replace hidden characters by: Enter one letter to replace hidden characters

Gift card configure

• Gift Card Usage

(1) Gift Card codes expire after: Enter the term of validity that Gift Cards can be used after being activated.

(2) Maximum time(s) to enter gift code incorrectly: Enter the maximum time(s) that allows users to enter gift code incorrectly.

(3) Maximum number of users per gift code: Enter the maximum number of users per gift code.

(4) Use Gift Card for shipping fee: Select Yes to allow customer to apply gift card for shipping fee

(5) Use Gift Card with coupon code: Select Yes to allow customers to use both Gift Card codes and Coupon codes at once.

(6) Show the link to check Gift Card code on Website: Select Yes to allow customers to check status of Gift Cards after entering Gift Codes, and vice versa.

(7) Show Gift Card expiry date on Website: Select Yes to show the expiration date of Gift Cards on website, and vice versa.

• Tax Configuration

Gift card configure

Apply Gift Card discount: – After Tax: to allow applying Gift Card after the tax is applied – Before Tax: to allow applying Gift Card before tax is applied

b. Step 2: On Product Page tab

Gift card configure

• Gift Card Value (1) Default Gift Card value: Enter the default gift card value (follow the below instruction)

(2) Description of Gift Card value: Enter the description of gift card value (follow the below instruction)

Gift card configure

• Gift Card Template (1) Select Yes to allow customers to change the image inserted in the template

(2) Limit the maximum size of images uploaded by customers to 500KB

• Gift Card Shipping Information

(1) Allow shipping Gift Cart: Select Yes: Gift card can be sent through the post office

(2) After customers order Gift Cards for friends and choose Send through post office option, Gift Cards will be sent to recipients within 5 days

(3) Message max length: Limit the maximum length of a custom message on Gift Card.

(4) Enable scheduling Gift Card deliver: Select Yes to allow users to schedule gift card delivery date.

c. Step 3: On Shopping Cart Page tab

Gift card configure

(1) Show Gift Card box on Shopping Cart page: Select Yes to Enable a Gift Card box for customers to apply gift codes right on the shopping cart page.

(2) Information displayed on Shopping Cart page: Select the data to display on shopping cart page

(3) Show Gift Card image on shopping cart: Select Yes to allow showing Gift Card printout preview as product image on shopping cart page

d. Step 4: On Checkout Page tab

Gift card configure

Show Gift Card box on Checkout Page: Select Yes to show Gift Card box on the checkout page

e. Step 5: In Email Notification tab

Gift card configure

• General

(1) Enable email notification: Select Yes to allow sending notification emails to customers and recipients

(2) Send Gift Card to friend when Gift Card status is: Select Active, only a gift card which is activated can be sent to a friend

(3) Sender of email notification: Set the default sender of notification emails as General Contact

(4) Send Gift Card copy via email: Select Yes to allow sending a copy of gift card via email if customers choose to ship through post office.

Gift card configure

• Notification email sent to purchasers

(1) Select the email template sent to purchasers after buying Gift Card successfully.

(2) Select the email template sent to purchasers when recipients receive Gift Cards.

• Notification email sent to recipient

(3) Select Yes to allow email notification being sent to recipient when sender refunds Gift Card. (4) Send-to-recipient email template: Select the email template sent to the gift card’s recipient. (5) Send-to-recipient email template when Gift Card is refund: Choose the email template sent to recipient when gift card is refunded. (6) Auto send reminder email when Gift Card is expired: Enable auto reminder email sent to Customers before Gift card expires (7) Auto send reminder email before: Enter the number of days to send notification to customers before the expiration date of a Gift card.

f. Step 6: In Gift Cart Printout tab

Gift card configure

Logo on PDF Printouts: Click on Choose File to upload an image used as a logo when Gift Cards are printed or sent via email.


How Admin manages Gift Card

Manage Templates

a. Add a New Template

  • Path: Marketing > Gift Card section > Manage Templates

Gift card

Step 1: click on Add New Template button

Step 2: Edit information in New Template page

Gift card

Gift card

(1) Template Name: Enter the template’s name

(2) Design Pattern: Choose a design pattern in dropdown list (optional)

(3) Notes: Enter notes or description about the gift card template (if any)

(4) Text Color: Choose text color

(5) Link/ Special Text Color: Choose link/ special text color

(6) Background Images: Upload a background image.

(7) Click on Save and Continue or Save to finish

b. Preview Existing Templates

  • Path: Marketing > Gift Card section > Manage Templates

Gift card

Click on Preview to see the gift card template

c. Edit and Delete Existing Templates

  • Path: Marketing > Gift Card section > Manage Templates

Gift card

(1) Mark the template checkbox

(2) Tab the action label, select “Delete” to remove templates.

(3) Click on Edit to update templates data

Gift card

(1) Edit template’s information: Template Name, Design Pattern, Notes, Text Color, Link/Special Text Color, Background Images

(2) Click on Save to finish


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